October 11th Sunset

Picnics Beside Ramsey

migration partners
how quickly they grow
the goslings
How Not to run a Website
I am not the most consistent poster in the world, I am even willing to say I have not posted nearly often enough here on the land that tech built. I always promise myself I will do better, but you know how it goes. A day-a week-a month slips past and you remember, Oh yeah, I was going to…
Tonight I added a page to my headings, it’s three lines at a time. I talk about my haiku writing and bring you up to date on a few things. Like the little chapbook by the same name, three lines at a time. When I say little, I mean just that. Physically the book is 4 x 5. It has 44 poems, some published-some new. Yes, I’m flogging it. No writer should be a shrinking violet when it comes to selling their wares and I am offering this book for $12. — how cool is that? Please read the longer doc under the heading–three lines at a time for contact information and so on.
Be well, be happy. If you’re bored with life, check out my podcast: The P.L. Pod available on the Greater Sudbury Library Website, Anchor and Spotify.
The P.L. Pod. with Vera Constantineau, is now available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6RlEsUjZBkH79261w9kFfp