Enlightened by Defilement
A collection of haibun and their haiku poems that take a glimpse into topics such as teenage awakening and long standing grief: all with a deflecting wittiness and space for reflection.
Latitude 46 Publishing

three lines at a time
A selection of haiku, senryu, & small poems
budda baby press
Copies are available for $10 plus shipping & handling

Reviews for three lines at a time
David Bingham
Former editor of Blithe Spirit Magazine UK
I love three lines at a time! You use the haiku form brilliantly. Your haiku are ‘in the moment’; but within each one there is a story. You use ‘kireji’ to great effect, sometimes leading the reader to a meaningful sense of ironic humour and at other times to a sense of sadness, part of the universal human condition. You evoke rather than tell … just as it should be! The tone is just right … very Japanese. Wow, what a superb collection! Love it!
Joanne Marcom
Book review previously published in Haiku Canada Review and reprinted with permission
This small book is a veritable treasure chest of poetic gems about Mother Nature, human nature and the intersection of both. The first haiku in the collection references spring with such delightful imagery that I had to smile when I read it. Also noteworthy is the word play, as the ducklings “moon” the sky.
spring moon sinking —
six duckling bottoms
pointed to the sky
Smiles turn to sighs upon reading one of the collections very poignant senryu in which a simple image takes on great significance for the poet and readers who have experienced the loss of a parent.
mother’s grey hair
in the brush
only I use
Here’s another touching senryu that speaks volumes in just eight short words. Yet each word is so meaningful that this tiny poem has the impact of a full-blown story or even a novella.
stage four
not the actor
he once was
The poet’s subtle sense of humour enhances and enlivens many of the poems, as in this slice of life example that most readers can identify with quite readily.
family reunion
at the centre of the crowd
the black sheep
I want to point out one more witty poem that made me chuckle because of the unexpected second line that reads like the punchline of a clever joke.
that book on snails
. . . slow going
Some of the poems in three lines at a time have been previously published, while others are making their debut. Kudos to Vera Constantineau and her editor Stanford M. Forrester for working together to create a sparkling collection to be treasured for years to come.
Betty Guenette
This touching book of Haiku poetry, so little but so full of diverse emotions. I found each prolific section pulling at my senses—reminiscence of the masks of comedy and tragedy in such a few pleasurable words.
Giggling — ducklings bottoms
Poignant — broken promises
Hope — lawyers and brides
Memorable — stages of acting
Hopeful — slat light fencing
Daisy Chained
A collection of short fiction
Copies are available for $15 plus shipping & handling